Qualcomm confirms Snapdragon X Elite is coming to desktop PCs.

Qualcomm confirms Snapdragon X Elite is coming to desktop PCs.

At Computex in Taipei, Qualcomm CEO Christiano Amon made a bold statement: the “PC is reborn,” now powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon chips. Despite previous setbacks with Windows on ARM, Qualcomm insists this time will be different with the new Snapdragon X Elite processor, developed in close partnership with Microsoft.

The key announcement is Qualcomm’s plan to integrate Snapdragon chips into all PC form factors, from portable laptops to larger desktops. They’ve teamed up with major manufacturers like ASUS, Dell, and HP to release a range of Snapdragon-powered PCs starting June 18th.

A significant highlight of their keynote was the transformative power of AI. Qualcomm claims their new NPU will enable advanced features such as intelligent assistants for diagnosing appliance issues and real-time language translation during video calls.

Currently, there are over 20 Copilot+ PCs equipped with Snapdragon chips and NPUs capable of delivering up to 45 TOPS.

Qualcomm also addressed the gaming community, mentioning that more than 1200 games, including AAA titles, have been tested for compatibility with Snapdragon X Elite, though they did not provide specific performance benchmarks.


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