Dual 8 Inch Plan 35hz Tuned MDF 12mm Subwoofer Box

Dual 8 Inch Plan 35hz Tuned MDF 12mm Subwoofer Box

Are you looking to enhance your car audio system with deep, powerful bass? Building a custom subwoofer box can be a rewarding project, especially when you’re aiming for specific performance characteristics like a 35Hz tuning frequency. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of building a dual 8-inch subwoofer box tuned to 35Hz using MDF (Medium-Density Fiberboard).

Understanding the Basics

Before diving into the build, let’s understand some key concepts:

  1. Tuning Frequency (Hz): This refers to the frequency at which the subwoofer box resonates. A lower tuning frequency generally produces deeper bass. A tuning frequency of 35Hz is ideal for deep, impactful bass in many music genres.
  2. MDF (Medium-Density Fiberboard): MDF is a popular choice for constructing subwoofer boxes due to its density, strength, and acoustic properties. It’s essential for maintaining structural integrity and reducing unwanted resonance.

Size in MM

Size in CM

Materials Needed:

  • MDF sheets (12mm thickness)
  • Circular saw or jigsaw
  • Wood glue
  • Screws
  • Screwdriver
  • Speaker terminal cup
  • Subwoofer drivers (two 8-inch subs)
  • Speaker wire
  • Sandpaper
  • Router (optional, for rounding edges)

Step 1: Design the Box

Sketch out the design for your subwoofer box. For a dual 8-inch setup tuned to 35Hz, the dimensions can vary based on your available space and the specific requirements of your subwoofers. Use a calculator or software like WinISD to determine the optimal dimensions for your desired tuning frequency.

Step 2: Cut the MDF Panels

Carefully measure and cut the MDF panels according to your design using a circular saw or jigsaw. You’ll need panels for the front, back, sides, top, and bottom of the box. Remember to account for the thickness of the material when measuring.

Step 3: Assemble the Box

Apply wood glue along the edges of the panels and use screws to secure them together. Make sure the box is sturdy and airtight to prevent air leaks that can affect performance.

Step 4: Install the Speaker Terminal Cup

Cut a hole in one of the panels for the speaker terminal cup. This will be used to connect the subwoofers to your amplifier. Attach the terminal cup securely using screws.

Step 5: Mount the Subwoofers

Position the subwoofers in the box, ensuring they’re aligned properly and securely mounted. Connect the subwoofers to the terminal cup using speaker wire.

Step 6: Test and Tune

Before sealing the box completely, test the subwoofers to ensure they’re working correctly. Once satisfied, seal any gaps with wood glue or caulk to minimize air leakage.

Step 7: Finish

Sand the edges of the box to smooth out any roughness. You can also use a router to round the edges for a cleaner look. Optionally, you can paint or veneer the box to match your car’s interior.


Building a dual 8-inch subwoofer box tuned to 35Hz can significantly enhance your car audio experience, providing deep, punchy bass that complements any music genre. With the right materials and careful construction, you can enjoy high-quality sound on the road for years to come. So, roll up your sleeves, grab your tools, and start building your custom subwoofer box today!


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