Arriving now are the first reviews for Furiosa. Is it as good as Mad Max: Fury Road?

Arriving now are the first reviews for Furiosa. Is it as good as Mad Max: Fury Road?

By his own merits, George Miller has emerged as the top action blockbuster filmmaker of the past few years. With Mad Max: Fury Road, the director expertly used unrelenting visual narrative to enthrall viewers everywhere. With Furiosa, his prequel, he has now done it once more.

Furiosa, starring Anya Taylor-Joy, had its Cannes film festival premiere and, according to early reports, is nearly as spectacular as Fury Road. On Rotten Tomatoes, the movie debuted with a 90% critical rating; even if it has since decreased to 87%, it is evident that it was a hit.

A fulfilling prequel
The following are some comments received on Furiosa during its initial global release:

“Through the director’s signature dystopian wasteland and replete with the same unbelievable cars and thrilling chases as the first, this is a tremendous roar of a movie. But the narration in the movie occasionally comes off as a little too polished.

Brian Orndorf, Blu-ray “It’s not necessarily an indispensably prequel, but the director more than delivers with outstanding action sequences and wonderful performances.”

“Furiosa delivers the visual spectacle you would expect from Miller while reminding us of the more expansive nature of the original Mad Max films, but it is also a spiritual work that addresses how humanity reacts to pain and loss” – Esther Zuckerman, Daily Beast

Ed Gibbs, Time Out notes, “The shift from the young Furiosa (played by Alyla Browne) to the mature adult (Taylor-Joy) is seamless and connects well with the version we have seen before.”

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